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I’ve added a few excellent birds to the stock team, as the birds still remain my link to dad. For years as a child we’d spend hours together at the allotment, we never really had the money to buy pigeons and had to work with what we’d got, with some, but obviously limited success.


I hope that genuine fanciers out there who are unable to afford such crazy sums for racing pigeons, as we were, will be able to take advantage of this genuine offer. I can’t guarantee they’ll all be winners but what I can guarantee is that they are good honest birds, bred from some of the best racing pigeon lines available anywhere, at an affordable price.

I’d like to think that there are still fancier out there, like me and my dad, who don’t have much money for pigeons, but would like to try and improve what they already have. I only wish there had been someone out there like this when we were racing together.


I’d like to point out that I’m just an average fancier, I make no profit from the birds – every penny raised helps to offset the significant initial purchase costs, feeding and escalating bills associated in keeping pigeons.

I've no fancy lofts or hyped up baloney in the fancy press, I don't sell huge numbers of birds, but many  of those that do purchase pigeons from me generally have good results and come back for more the following year - which is why I don't advertise in the press. I'd go as far as saying that I honestly believe that bird for bird they'd hold there own against anyone - after all I only breed small numbers and I've already bred 2 x COMBINE WINNERS in just two years! 

Thank you for your interest and I wish you all the very best.




Davies & Son

Bred by


The very best racing pigeons at the very best prices

Tel: 07411020414

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The Beginning

Like many, I’ve kept racing pigeons most of my life; as a young boy back in 1986 I was given a gift bird from a very good friend of the family, the late great Robert (Bob) Marley, excellent pigeon fancier and the owner of Champion ‘Sheer Elegance’. This fantastic hen was later purchased by Louella and the rest is history – she went on to be one of the greatest Janssen breeders of all time.

This gift bird was a g.dtr of 'Sheer Elegance' and was the spark that started my bug for racing.



Racing with my late father, we enjoyed a fair amount of success but I must confess that it was my father who was the real pigeon fancier, I basically just turned up on a Saturday and helped clock them in. As most genuine fanciers experience, the lack of funds meant we were limited by the class of pigeon we could own. This didn’t stop someone paying us a visit late one night and removing all of our old birds and stock pigeons though.


Later life

At one point I was working two jobs and found myself in a position to purchase the cream in terms of racing pigeons. Over an eight to nine year period I started to buy the very best money could buy – starting with the Jan Aardens, a strain I’d grown up reading an awful lot about in the fancy press during the early 1990's. I’d always dreamed of having some top class distance birds and so set to work fulfilling my dream. Not too long after my father was diagnosed with a terminal illness and realising that the distance birds were a long term project, I began to purchase the very best sprinters and middle distance birds available, in the hope that I could give him a few great seasons, racing as father and son.


Sadly my father never got to race these birds, he passed away the following May, since then I’ve looked after them all.

About Me

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