Race YB's bred from the Heremans - Ceusters
(£275 per 6)

Davies & Son
Bred by

The very best racing pigeons at the very best prices
Tel: 07411020414
E-mail me at: janaardens@yahoo.co.uk
Hi Joe,
please put me down for half doz Leo Heremans,out of all my youngsters last year 27, if I had just raced yours, I would have had the same result, every week yours were my first six, which gave me runner up in the young bird averages, which i'm chuffed about, so lets see what I can do this year after breeding from yours
regards. S.P
well joe i was 1st 2nd 3rd club and 1st 2nd 3rd fed 1st 2nd 3rd derby and 1st gold ring won me 800 euro this week with birds i breed off the blue cock nehu 777 and the check pied hen 1573 just 2 let u no im over the moon with them thanks again joe class pigeons i will buy more off u in a few week Shane
joe them 2 birds were 1st and 3rd out of 700 birds and 17 and 19 fed out of 1000+ it was a very hard about 400 made it home some lads down 20 or more a bit off a smash race
raced my first race today from fermoy 71 miles got 1st and 3rd club 2 nest mates breed down from nehu 14 1578 blue cock nehu 14 1571 slate hen over the moon with them thanks
Hi joe just spoke to you regarding this pigeon that I won 1st club 281 birds 6th federation 1250 birds with I can't remember if it was a braspenning Janssen. Il email you a picture of the result sheet. Cheers. Lee
Hi Joe that bird I bought for the race did great, he finished 5th lost by 22 seconds, 6 came together he was one of them - won £1000, also finished 2nd in the other. Paul
*Well joe got the birds this morning all i can say is wow lovely batch of birds i will be definitely getting more off u in the near future im over the moon with them all the best and thanks again joe Shane
*Hi joe, just to let you know the jan aarden cock and Roland blue hen have produced a double section winner. A blue hen won Marlborough a week last Saturday topped the section and 24th open. Then last week from Newbury she was 1st club 1st section 1st 2 bird. Not sure on open yet. I've stopped her now as shel be better next year. Still got her brother too. All the best Simon
*Hi Joe, had a very good season this year, won four of the five channel races crossing your Jan Aardens and Braspennings. I'm more than happy with how your birds have perfromed for me over the last couple of years, especially when you consider the price paid. Thank you. Jack
*Hi Joe,
The cock bird turned up this morning, absolute cracker mate just like the rest of your birds that ive had from you this year.
They are a credit to you i just wish i had more nest boxes! Good luck with the rest of your sales. Justin
*Hi Joe, sorry I've not been in contact sooner, just thought I'd let you know how the birds have done over the past four years flying in a very strong Club and Fed they include 7x1st, 4x2nd, 1x3rd, 3x4th 4x5th 3x6th 1x7th Club 2x3rd, 3x4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 2x12th 2x13th and 15th Feds upto 1,546b and 143rd, 147th, 220th and 243rd Combine upto 4,106b. Not bad considering that for the last two seasons I've not raced YBs and only competed in a handful of races last season due to work issues.
*Hi Joe, just wanted to let you know that you bred the Dam to this years South West One Loft Race (SWOL race) it won by 20mins
*Hi Joe, YB's were 3rd Kingsdown 212mls, 1st & 6th Fed Wollaston, one was hawked the other was trained two others lost.
*I'm writing as Ive just got back from my club where a youngster bred from your Jan Aarden birds has just won for me, the same bird was second last week. This week was a slow race but the little hen was half an hour in front of the next bird and there have been heavy losses - I won't find out the Fed position until next week. As you can imagine I'm delighted especially as I've a couple more that are to be tried out a lttle later.
*A friend of mine at my club was looking at the Roland Jannsens I bought off you at Telford and was really impressed. Due to some bad luck with smasshed eggs through fighting I don't have any of these to race this year but do have a couple of late breds that really look the business, they'll be trained for racing next year.
*We have just recieved a certificate from the rpra north west region informing us our bird won 1st club 1st federation 19th open the queens diamond jubilee race from carentan 300mls 3,739b. the bird was bred off one of your jan ardens cocks paired to a braspening hen. cheers joe.
*Thankyou for your email,good to hear from you again. The pigeons you sent me one was a braspenning hen which turned out to be a cock. I gave this pigeon to MR B CLARK who was just starting up in the sport, the pigeon bred him a bird which won 1st section,11th open CSCFC in the 2011 season,from Messac which is 202 miles.I hope this is of help to you with your records. (Tony)
*Hello Joe, just a quick note to update you the 3 that remain are superb, they've moulted out and are pictures of quality - I couldn't be happier with them. The 2 Roland Jannsens I bought from you at Telford are looking really good too. In fact they won me a Breeder Buyer race, their youngster came second. I'm looking forward to next season and to race the offspring. If you're coming to Telford again this year I'll drop by to say hello and to thank you in person. Thanks again Joe.
*I haven't been able to race the youngsters this year, but the Aardens I purchased are looking great. I'd like to purchase more for January if possible.
(Mr Short )
*I have more good news, I've breed a young bird off of another hen of yours and shes flying really well, last week she came 2nd club,10th fed and this week she won it plus all the pools.The other bird of yours that's had two 6th positions and picking pool money up I couldn't send her this week because she'd only laid her second eggs a few days before basketing night but I definitely think there's more to come from her.
*This season is going quite well so far apart from some big losses, the 2nd race was a nightmare with massive losses for everyone.
Last week I won the race and tuck 6th with a young bird off that lovely blue hen of yours TR 45 and the week before that came 1st,2nd and 6th with the bird of yours that tuck 6th the previous week.
I have to tell you am really pleased with your birds and not just for the fact they race well but because they look fantastic too. (Terry )
*Hi there thanks for the pigeons my partner is over the moon with them. Caroline (July )
*Hello Joe, the birds are great thanks. Thank you for the extra pair it was a very generous gesture and very appreciated. JB
*Hi joe im chuffed with the 2 cocks class breeding joe and the 6 ybs are wee belters mate well pleased with them all coming on great
*Hi Joe, I have a really good feeling about your babies and think their going to do great for me this season, they all look fantastic and are exercizing well around the loft. Terry
*Hi Joe,
Had a really tough champ race last week from Portland and my blue hen that you breed me came 9th and Fedrick was close behind, I didnt see one of my own birds for well ove half hour later. Last week when **** came 3RD he was 8th Fed too out of 1554 birds. TD
*I realised you bred this bird. The ring number of the bird is NEHU 09 ******.The reason for me getting in touch is he's the father of this weeks 06/05/2012 winner in our club and also a fortnight ago he came with the winner but was clocked second.Yours in sport, GW
*Hi Joe,
had a great race last Saturday, the blue cock came 3rd. Some of the lads down club said it was a good bird because of the wind direction. Let me thankyou again for him cos I really think he's something special, and my new babies of yours are doing fantastic. Terry
*Hi Joe,
WOW What a fantastic set of youngsters!!!
Am over the moon with my new babies you said you do your best at sorting me some good birds and I love em all. TD
*Fantastic youngsters Joe, thank you very much. Mr Short
*Hi joe im chuffed with them 2 hens mate great blood in them JG
*Many thanks for co-ordinating this and giving us fanciers an opportunity of enjoying the event - One loft syndicate. KH
*When we are looking for the Best Breeders from De Smaragd's line,
we have found that you house the cream of The Jan Aarden Strain.
We are now writing to you for Grand-Children of De Smaragd II
and Inteelt De Joop. Mr K Yasuda - Japan
*Hi Joe,
Can you please Email me with any birds of the old Janssen birds that i have had from you in the past. I don`t race now, the last time was in 2009 and then i only flew in seven races, however i won four of them and in total won 28 prize cards in club, Federation, Amal and Combine, i was first and second in each of the two Channel races i sent to ( I only sent the same two birds to each race and they where first and second each time, also 7th & 10th Fed, 10th and 16th Amal and 38th & 39th Combine ) and in the second Channel race they where, 7th and 12th Fed, 12th and 22nd Amal and 32nd & 39th Combine. I now only send to One Loft Races and have done quite well in them winning a couple of thousand pounds i the last two years --- i have a Blue Cheq hen you bred, a 2008 bird she has bred one pair of Hens to fly well up to 200 miles. NF
*Hello ive just had a bird delived today witch i purchased from you on a on line auction site and i would like to buy some young birds from you. DM
*Hi Joe these are the numbers of the birds that have been the most consistant **** 4th club 4th fed 185 miles, **** and **** 1st club 145 miles,**** 2nd 145 miles,**** 2nd and 5th 100 miles .we still have 8 birds lost 4 birds at the last race.your birds were very consistant every week.Thanks Joe
*Hi Joe,
Just want to say thanks again for the pigeons, I had a fantastic win at the weekend it won by two and a half minutes and I topped the Fed.
*Hi Joe,
20th Sect. 100th National Tarbes 601 miles
Corkett & Sons
*Joe, just wanted to let you know that the birds are coming very well, always there or there abouts still have two races to go - particularly impressed with one of the grizzles.
(P.J )
*Please find enclosed photocopies of race results...thanks for the young birds they flew fantastic - 1st, 4th, 7th and a 13th Fed
*Hi Joe,
The birds have just arrived & I am so pleased with them.
They look fantastic & I will let you know how they do.
Nice doing business with you.
Many Thanks
*Just to say thank you for the birds im very pleased, my young bird results 337 was 1st Exeter and 1st Kingsdown, 334 was 2nd Kingsdown, 4th Exeter and 195th Open. (David)
annvale (sent feedback on: 2-/-1/2011 for Auction ID12791)
*Fantastic bird in fantastic condition,would have no problem buying more birds in the future,can't wait to see what the young off her race like.
gm1967 (sent feedback on: 2-/-1/2011 for Auction ID12792)
*well pleased stunning
lisssard (sent feedback on: 0-/-1/2010 for stunning Braspenning Janssen hen)
*Real Gentleman,Awesome to deal with,would purchase again without hesitation (Gerry from Canada)
*Just an update, the one off Prinses has topped the Fed for me and bred me two Fed winners, the Kuyper pigeon is always knocking around - have hi hopes for him as he matures. (SW June 2010)
*Hi Joe.
Got to admit some quality bred pigeons. (SW 26-5-10)
ljaudoire (sent feedback on: 8-/-0/2010 for Auction ID10869)
*Everything was very good thanks.
cjlofts (sent feedback on: 8-/-0/2009 for Auction ID7075)
*Bird in fab condition 1st class pigeon well happy with purchase Real Gentleman
Thank you very much.
*Hi Joe,
Just an update on the birds. Things have been bad down here for loses, but I am racing them all apart from 662 which is in the stock loft. Too good to go on the road? All the rest are now at 100 miles and all are in the loft. You will be pleased to know that 661 has won 1st Club, 4th Fed 987 pigeons.
Mr Wright
naedoos (sent feedback on: 0-/-1/2008 for Auction ID3665)
*Lovely bird recieved in great condition, well pleased with purchase.
navigator (sent feedback on: 4-/-0/2008 for Auction ID2593)
*Again first class standard of young bird.
navigator (sent feedback on: 3-/-0/2008 for Auction ID2592)
*First class set of youngsters. These would grace any loft of the in the country.
bearman (sent feedback on: 2-/-1/2007 for Auction ID2362)
*Over the moon with this bird. It arrived in excellent condition. A credit to the breeder.
scooby (sent feedback on: 2-/-1/2007 for Auction ID2361)
*Very pleased with my purchse and is a nice looking bird
*Birds arrived safe and well thanks Joe and i am VERY happy with them .
I will let you know if i have any success with them .
Yours in sport David
*Hi Joe
I received the youngsters at 09:30 yesterday and they are really looking the part, are these janssens/braspennings or a mixture of both breeds!
Kind Regards Cyril
*To joe just to say thank you for the birds I’m very pleased but there’s no transfers also could you forward your address so i can send you my young bird results.
thank you David
*Joe received birds this morning they are a nice lot very pleased with
Mr Mcgrath
*Hi Joe
The bird arrived safely last night and in great nick.
Been great dealing with you, and hope everything goes well for you in 2009 All the best. Douglas
The following is feedback I've received from fanciers around the UK and further afield.
What has become evident is that not everyone is so forth coming with results - not sure why but this is often the case. You could say that the feedback of good results can be likened to that of an iceberg, i.e. "what you actually see is only a fraction of what is really there".
I think 7 years worth is enough to see that this is a genuine offer of quality birds, they are bred from the very best, producing good honest racers and top quality stock birds, but most importantly they are breeding winners.
One loft race results, competing against the very best National and International competition.
South West One Loft race
Bred the dam of the winner in the 2013 final, she won by 20 mins.
1st SWOL race No2
3rd &7th British Sec. 44th & 96th Open 300km 809b.
7th British Sec. 86 Open 120km 1,571b.
1st British Sec. 14th Open 200km 1,571b.
3rd & 4th British Sec. 54th & 61st Open 350km 745b.
2nd & 3rd British Sec. 48th & 50th Open 240km 1,571b.
2nd British Sec. 16th Open 100km 1,571b.
7th British Sec. 110 Open, 560km 625b.
Thailand One Loft Race
The following results were attained with my breeding.

Race YB's bred from grandchildren of Jan Aarden champions
(£225per 6)